Treatment procedure and Fee structure

For many people taking a Classical Homeopathy treatment is for the first time.

Classical Homeopathy takes a person as a WHOLE.

WHOLE means the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual layers that make up a complete human being. And every little event that can affect this unique individual is an integral part of him. Every little piece of information is very important for a practitioner.

Like every system of treatment Classical homeopathy has its protocols which are different from the conventional ones.

When the patients decide to take the treatment, mostly they come from the conventional system so they misunderstand many things regarding homeopathy treatment. So here is a brief treatment protocol.

Treatment Process:

  1. Initial Consultation: Our first meeting involves a thorough assessment of your health history, symptoms, lifestyle and life events. The questions are asked to not only gain a deeper understanding of your physical, emotional, and mental state but it’s to develop a smooth and comfortable communication between the two.
  2. Remedy Selection: Then a remedy is selected that fits the best after the initial history call. Classical homoeopathy believes in individualization. There is no one-fit formula that can be applied to everyone. Each patient is unique and with a unique history and symptoms so with a thorough understanding of a case, one remedy is selected that suits the most.
  3. Remedy Dispatching: Remedy is dispatched through courier which delivers within 2 working days to the patient’s doorstep.
  4. Feedback and Adjustments: Once the patient starts taking the remedy there is every chance of changes occurring. Here is where the feedback call is important after 10-15 days or so. If there is a need for some change in remedy or potency, next is dispatched again. In case of any discussion call or messaging availability is made sure. But this is something beyond the follow-up session. A comfortable bond that allows the patient to stay in contact with the healer is the main point to focus on. This is to achieve optimum health regain of the patient to a point where he/she feels that health is back on track.


The Fee is charged in advance of every month.

The fee is 10,000/- rupees per month for an individual.

If you are seeking a family package it is 15,000/- per month.

Medicine and courier charges are included in the fee.

This fee is non-refundable.

Appointment can be booked by calling/WhatsApp: (+92) 332-2929 325.